How Does Medpay Work in North Carolina?

If you are injured in a car accident in North Carolina, you may be able to receive MedPay (medical payments coverage) through your auto insurance policy. This type of coverage is known as medpay, which can help you pay for medical expenses related to your injuries.

At The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor, our experienced North Carolina car accident lawyers can help you understand how medical payment coverage works and whether you are eligible for coverage. Contact us today for a free consultation.

What Is Medical Payments Coverage in North Carolina?

Medical payments coverage, or MedPay, is insurance coverage that can help you pay for medical expenses related to injuries sustained in a car accident. MedPay is not health insurance, but it can help you cover the cost of medical treatment if you are injured in an accident.

Unlike bodily injury car insurance or property damage liability, North Carolina law does not require drivers to have MedPay coverage. However, it is an important type of coverage to have if you are involved in a car accident.

Who Is Eligible for Medical Payments Insurance in North Carolina?

Insurance policies that include MedPay coverage are designed to protect all vehicle passengers if they are injured due to an accident, regardless of fault. MedPay may also provide coverage for relatives who live in the same household and any vehicles they drive.

it is important to remember that you can only get injuries covered if:

  • If you suffered an injury in a vehicle accident
  • If you insured reasonable and necessary medical expenses due to the accident.

Getting Your Medical Bills Paid With Medpay in North Carolina

MedPay allows you to file a claim through your own insurance company. Its purpose is to reimburse the insured for the accident’s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses. Coverage amounts typically range between $1,000 and $10,000. However, it is not uncommon for MedPay policies to have coverage amounts of $50,000 or $100,000.

MedPay coverage can help cover your co-pay or other related expenses, even if you have health insurance.

What Are Considered “Reasonable and Necessary” Medical Expenses?

A reasonable medical expense is consistent with what is typically charged for similar services in the geographic region where the treatment was rendered. A necessary medical expense is required and expected medical treatment rendered by a suitably licensed medical professional practicing within their approved scope of medicine.

To get your medical bills paid with Medpay, you must submit a claim to your insurance company. You will need to provide documentation of your injuries and medical expenses. Once your claim is approved, your insurance company will send you a check for the covered expenses. You can then use this money to pay for your medical bills.

How Long Does It Take to Receive Reimbursement After Filing a MedPay Claim?

Once you submit everything to the adjuster, it can typically take two to four weeks to review and process the request, depending on the insurer or adjuster. For more specific timelines, you can ask the adjuster for turnaround times.

Patience is important when dealing with any insurance company, but it is especially important when dealing with Medpay claims. The review and approval process can take some time, but it is important to stay patient and follow up with your insurance company if you have not received a response within the promised timeframe.

Will Filing a Medical Payments Claim Raise My Premium?

In North Carolina, Medpay claims should not raise your insurance premiums. This is because MedPay is considered no-fault coverage and is considered contractual in nature. However, each policy is different, so it is important to check with your insurance company to see if filing a claim will affect your rates.

What Do I Do Once I Receive My Reimbursement Check?

Once you receive your reimbursement check, assuming you don’t have any medical liens, you should use the check to pay off your outstanding medical bills. An insurance claim aims to make you “whole” again, which means getting you back to the financial position you were in before the accident.

If you have any questions about how Medpay works in North Carolina, or if you need help filing a claim, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. At The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor, we can help you file a claim and handle all the paperwork so you can focus on healing.

When Does Medpay Not Apply?

North Carolina MedPay has a few exclusions that provide no coverage. These include:

  • If you were occupying a taxi or while transporting people or goods for money
  • If you were injured while driving a vehicle during employment if workers’ compensation is required or voluntarily given
  • While driving a car without permission
  • While using or operating any motorized vehicle with less than four wheels

If you have any questions about whether med pay coverage is available for your accident, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. At The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor, we can help you understand your coverage and file a claim so you can get the reimbursement you deserve.

You Have a Limited Amount of Time to Seek Medpay Coverage

Like most insurance policies, there is a statute of limitations, or time limit, for seeking Medpay coverage. In North Carolina, you have three years from the date of the accident to file a claim. If you do not file within this timeframe, you will likely be unable to recover any reimbursement for your medical expenses.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney for Assistance With Your Claim

If you have been injured in a car accident, contact an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and options. At The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor, we have years of experience handling Medpay claims and can help you get the reimbursement you deserve. We value the attorney-client relationship and will fight to ensure your rights are protected. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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