Filing A Personal Injury Claim in Concord, NC


Filing A Personal Injury Claim in Concord, NC

What's On This Page

Concord is a town in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. It’s part of the Charlotte metropolitan area, one of the fastest-growing regions in the United States. Concord is home to approximately 107,000 residents, and it’s located about 20 miles north of Charlotte.

Concord has a rich history and is home to many historic sites, including the Cabarrus County Courthouse, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Concord is also home to the Concord Mills Mall, which is one of the biggest malls in North Carolina. This mall features more than 200 stores, including Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World, and is off of I-85.

As fun and exciting as these attractions may be, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries if you have been hurt in a car accident, slip and fall, or any other personal injury situation checking out one of these Concord destinations. The personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor have represented North Carolina clients for over 25 years. We have years of experience helping people recover the compensation they deserve. We will work hard to ensure you get the best possible outcome for your case.

an injured man meeting with legal team to file a personal injury claim

What is a Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim is a civil lawsuit brought in the name of an injured person. The person injured is called the plaintiff, and the person who caused the injury is called the defendant.

Personal Injury Law in North Carolina

Personal injury law is a legal field that deals with accidents and injuries. When a person is injured due to the fault of another person, they can make a claim or file a lawsuit against them to seek compensation for their losses.

A personal injury lawyer will represent you and handle all aspects of your case from start to finish, including but not limited to the following:

  • Collecting evidence, witnesses’ statements, and medical records related to your accident/injury;
  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf; and
  • Appearing in court on your behalf, if necessary.

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims in Concord, NC

The most common personal injury claims that occur in Concord include the following:

Personal Injury Claim form with pen and glasses on a table at a law firm

What Can a Concord Personal Injury Lawyer Do For Me?

While a Concord personal injury lawyer can help in many ways, here are some of the most important ones:

Provide Legal Advice

You may have concerns about your rights and how to proceed with them. Our Concord personal injury lawyers will be able to advise you on whether or not you have a case and what sort of outcome would be best for you.

Negotiate With the Insurance Company

If you’re dealing with an insurance company, one of their representatives will likely contact you directly after an accident. While this person may seem friendly at first, they’re actually there for the sole purpose of trying to settle your claim for as little money as possible—which means that they don’t care about your best interests at all!

Having an experienced attorney by your side who knows how these types of negotiations work can mean all the difference in getting fair compensation from an insurance company.

Represent Personal Injury Victims in Court If Necessary

An attorney is also prepared to represent clients when needed—from negotiating settlements through mediation to jury trial, if necessary (in which case they will make sure everything goes by the Rules of Civil Procedure).

Damages You Could Receive in a Personal Injury Case

The amount of damages you could receive in a personal injury case depends on the specifics of your case, but there are a few common ones you should know.

Pain and Suffering

This is an intangible measure that can’t be quantified with any number. It describes the pain, discomfort, and emotional distress associated with an injury or illness.

Lost Wages

If another party’s negligence caused your injury and you were written out of work due to your injuries by your medical provider, they might be responsible for compensating you for lost wages resulting from your inability to work.

The amount of money awarded depends on how long it takes before you’re able to return to full-time employment status—the more time it takes, the higher the payout should be.

Medical Expenses

You might be eligible for compensation if the injury or illness led to medical expenses. This includes treatment and hospital bills, along with any other related costs that you’ve incurred. The amount of money awarded depends on how much medical care was needed due to the incident. For example, did you just need to get checked out and are okay, or did you need ongoing treatment like physical therapy.  

Side View Of Injured Man With Bandage Hand Filling Insurance Claim Form On Clipboard for his personal injuries

Seek Legal Representation From a Concord Personal Injury Attorney at The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor Today

The best way to ensure you receive the most compensation possible is to retain a personal injury attorney, usually at no up-front cost to you. An experienced attorney will know the legal process and how to maximize your recovery.

The personal injury lawyer will be your advocate during this time. They will work on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome for your case, whether it’s settling or going to trial. They’re also there if something goes wrong with the insurance company, such as them refusing to pay out all of what they owe you after winning at trial.

If you’ve been injured in an accident and need to file a personal injury claim, contact our Concord, North Carolina, law firm today. We will help you get the compensation you deserve.

130 Church St NE
Concord, NC 28025

Phone: (704) 787-9419
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

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120 3rd St NE
Hickory, NC 28601

Phone: (828) 327-9004
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

301 S McDowell St #1016
Charlotte, NC 28204

Phone: (704) 676-1093
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

130 Church St NE
Concord, NC 28025

Phone: (704) 787-9419
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

1348 Ebenezer Rd Suite 103
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Phone: (803) 980-5300
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

The Law Offices of
Jason E. Taylor, P.C.
Concord Injury Lawyers & Attorneys at Law

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