When Daylight Savings kicks in, and we lose an hour of sleep, it takes a toll on our bodies, disturbing our sleep increasing the chance of workplace injuries, strokes, and even heart attacks. New data from the University of Colorado also suggests the time change affects us behind the wheel. A study in the journal Current Biology states fatal car accidents increase by 6 percent the week after DST takes effect.
Researchers analyzed 732,835 car accidents recorded through the U.S. Fatality Analysis Reporting System from 1996 to 2017. During this period, they uncovered a constant rise in fatal accidents the first week after the time change. This is likely due to the fact that drivers are not used to the new time and have to adjust to driving while it’s dark.

Stay Safe On the Road
If you are traveling during this time, be sure to use caution and drive defensively. Remember that it will take time for everyone to adjust to the change, so be patient and safe. The time change can also cause people to be late for work or appointments. If you are running late, you may be rushed and make mistakes you wouldn’t have otherwise made. This can lead to accidents or missed opportunities. Try to give yourself extra time to adjust to the change, and you’ll find that your days go more smoothly.
Overall, the time change can be a difficult adjustment for many people. With a little bit of planning, you can make the transition smoother and safer for everyone.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer at Jason E Taylor Law Firm
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s important to understand your legal rights and options for compensation if injured or a family member is killed due to this type of accident. Contact the Litigator for more information about North Carolina accident laws and how to seek damages.
We have a history of success in collision cases, and we have obtained substantial verdicts for our clients. We will fight to obtain damages that cover medical expenses, lost wages, vehicle repair costs, physical therapy bills, and much more. There’s nothing wrong with waiting to make a decision, but know that time is of the essence when it comes to these sorts of collisions.