What To Do After A Car Accident If You Don’t Have Insurance in Charlotte, NC


What To Do After A Car Accident If You Don’t Have Insurance in Charlotte, NC

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You were heading to the Nascar Hall of Fame on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Charlotte, North Carolina when another driver rear-ended you. You panic as you realize you do not have car insurance. What are the repercussions of not having car insurance if you have been injured in an accident?

North Carolina

In North Carolina, all drivers are required to carry liability and uninsured motorist coverage insurance. Liability and uninsured motorist insurance must equal a minimum of $30,000 for bodily injury per person, $60,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 for total property damage. 

North Carolina classifies driving without insurance as a misdemeanor, which can result in fines and jail time.

What You Should Do 

If you were in an accident and were driving without insurance, do not lie or produce a fake insurance card. Lying will only make the situation worse for you. Calmly explain to the other driver and the police, if they arrive, that you are uninsured.

First, document your injuries and any property damage to your vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle. Although there are penalties for driving without insurance, fault is not determined by who has insurance coverage and who does not. Fault is determined by who is responsible for causing the crash. Suppose the other driver admits that he was not paying attention when he rear-ended you on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Charlotte, North Carolina. In that event, his insurance company should be responsible for any bodily injury or property damage he caused you, even if you don’t have insurance. Also, be on the lookout for any witnesses who can give a statement to the police officer about who caused the crash.

If you have been involved in a car or motorcycle accident and did not have car insurance at the time, it is important for you to contact an experienced personal injury attorney to help you with your case.

Can I Be Sued?

The short answer to this is YES. North Carolina allows uninsured drivers to be sued. Your personal assets, such as a car, home, boat, etc., can be used to pay for a crash victim’s personal injuries. That is why it is so essential to make sure that you have car insurance if you are driving on the roads of Charlotte, North Carolina. Car insurance helps protect your assets from being seized if you get into a crash and cause personal injury or property damage to another person or their vehicle.

Penalties For Driving Uninsured In North Carolina

You must contact the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles directly to explain a lapse in coverage or show proof of new insurance. Failure to do so could result in your registration being suspended until you can prove or establish you are properly insured.  

If you have been involved in a car crash and were not insured at the time, you could have your license suspended for up to one year. Additionally, North Carolina drivers can receive three points on their driving record. If you have been in a car accident in Charlotte, North Carolina and either you or the other driver was uninsured, please do not hesitate to contact us. The Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor, P.C. Our experienced car accident attorneys in Charlotte are here to assist you.

301 S McDowell St #1016
Charlotte, NC 28204

Phone: (704) 676-1093
Toll Free: (800) 351-3008

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