How To Stand Against Workplace Harassment

No one deserves to be harassed in any capacity in any location. Workplace harassment is particularly damaging because many people don’t know how to respond to it. It isn’t like other aspects of your life. You can end an unhealthy relationship with a significant other. But the workplace is where you go to earn a living. 

People balance out the need to stand up for themselves against their willingness to jeopardize their job. Here’s the truth: you deserve both. Harassment comes in many forms:

  • Verbal or physical abuse
  • Bullying
  • Retaliation 
  • Being discriminated against due to your race, gender, or religion  
  • Sexual harassment 

The above list is not exhaustive. The point remains that no one should have to endure any of those things to keep their job.

Find the Solution That May Have Been Already Given

When you began your new job, were you given an employee handbook that outlined rules, regulations, and has guidelines for workplace behavior? If so, there is likely a section about their policy regarding harassment of any sort and how to report it. 

Keep a detailed record of everything. Write down what you did, how it was received, and the events that followed. There’s no such a thing as too much information. If things escalate and you need to speak with an attorney, you can hand him these notes. An easy way to achieve this is by emailing yourself. This is a simple way to timestamp your documentation.

What Follows is Important

It doesn’t matter if you spoke with HR, consulted an attorney, or filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), but what follows is critical. Because you stood up for yourself, you do not have to endure retaliatory behavior. These are some examples of it:

  • Your work hours were changed
  • You were demoted
  • You are being excluded from events and meetings you used to participate in

Again, there are many ways for an employer to retaliate. The act of retaliation is just as severe as the original complaint. Sometimes, people discover that even though their employer may be acting reprehensibly, they are not doing anything illegal. But in response to your complaint, their retaliation is very much prohibited.  

Continue documenting. Find someone in your office who may be experiencing what you are. You can speak with a mental health professional. And find an employment law attorney who understands how to protect you and resolve this.

The Law Offices of Jason Taylor 

When you hire The Law Offices of Jason Taylor to represent you, you are not only getting an attorney—you will have an entire legal team. Harassment in the workplace can turn your life upside down. No one wants to resolve that for you more than we do. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation



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