The Origin of The Litigator and Our Logo of the Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar


The Origin of The Litigator and Our Logo of the Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar

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What is a Litigator, also known as a Litigation Lawyer?

To really understand what a litigator is you have to understand what litigation is first.  Litigation is the process of taking legal action through our court system. The legal profession is as varied as the medical profession. Some lawyers practice only criminal law, others only appellate work, some real-estate closings while others just do legal research and writing. 

A litigator is a lawyer who handles a case as it makes its way through our judicial system from the filing of a lawsuit through discovery and ultimately through trial. In other words, not all lawyers are involved in our court system, we don’t all go to trial, but litigators do go to court and have trials.

Why Does a Law Firm have a Logo of a Cigar-smoking Alligator Riding a Motorcycle?

Many years ago, a co-worker at the Law Offices of Jason E. Taylor was out shopping and spotted a figurine of an alligator riding a motorcycle smoking a cigar and thought….. that reminds me of Jason, he rides motorcycles, smokes cigars and he is a “litigator” which makes me think of the alligator (she may have thought of a closer relationship between Jason, alligators, and litigators but she was respectful enough not to say so).  She gave the figurine to Jason who was very appreciative and put it on his bookshelf in his office. Years later, while in a mediation and concentrating on a legal issue Jason, for some unknown reason, thought of the figurine and it gave him inspiration for a creative legal argument.

Figurine of Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar
Figurine of Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar

After that, Jason pulled the figurine down off the bookshelf, called an advertising friend and asked if they could come up with some sort of logo from the figurine. Weeks later Jason and his wife and kids were traveling to south Florida for vacation. On the way they stopped off at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley Davidson store in Daytona Florida. While walking from the parking lot into the store Jason got an email form his friend with the attachment of the proposed logo. Perfect location to look at the perfect logo.

Logo of Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar
Logo of Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar

So what about the web address, THELITIGATOR.COM?

Well, you can’t be a litigator, with a logo of an alligator riding a motorcycle smoking a cigar and not own the web address. Turns out a lawyer in Texas owned the address and Jason called him and bought it from him for what Jason says is a “confidential amount”.

Now, as Paul Harvey used to say,……. you know the “rest of the story”. To the bikers,…. stay vertical. To all, stay happy, healthy, and whole.

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Jason E. Taylor

Reviewed as of 2025

The Origin of The Litigator and Our Logo of the Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar
Figurine of Alligator Riding a Motorcycle Smoking a Cigar
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